Legal Dissclaimer

Except for the product warranty and the express liability for delayed delivery under the terms of this agreement, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not compensate for any direct, special, incidental, incidental or indirect damages caused by the use of the product, including but not limited to loss of commercial profits.

  • Except as stipulated in the sales agreement, any oral advice or other written information we provide does not constitute any warranty.
  • Except for warranty liability, we do not provide any form of express or implied warranty, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, quality satisfaction, suitability for specific purposes, and non infringement of the rights of third-party manufacturers.
  • We are not responsible for any consequences arising from your failure to use the product in accordance with any instructions, specifications, instructions or conditions of use provided to you in writing.
  • We are not responsible for any losses caused by downtime or other reasons during product replacement or maintenance, as well as any product related losses caused by customs or government confiscation, seizure, seizure, search or other actions.
  • We reserve the right to make changes or improvements to the design, firmware, or manufacturing, and do not assume any obligation to make any changes or improvements to previously manufactured and/or sold products.
  • In any case, we, our affiliated companies, and third-party payment institutions shall not be held responsible for any losses caused by your mobile phone or SMS verification code being stolen by others, your device for reading barcodes or payment devices being stolen by others, failure to operate correctly according to the operating procedures of this site and its partners, or your certificate and password being leaked, which are not caused by our own reasons.

Your purchase of products on this website and signing of any sales agreements with us do not constitute a distribution or distribution relationship between you and us, and you are not our distributor or distributor. You may not claim to be our distributor/distributor or have any similar identity/status.

You guarantee that you are a legal entity/natural person with full capacity for civil conduct and civil rights, legally existing in accordance with the laws of your jurisdiction, and have the ability and authority to sign and perform sales agreements.
As the initiator of the transaction, you guarantee the right to issue instructions to us, and guarantee that any instructions issued to us are true, complete, accurate, and legal, and bear the transaction risks arising from it. We only process the transaction instructions you send and do not assume any responsibility.

You guarantee to comply with the business processes and standards of this site and its partners, not to use the services of this site in the name of others, not to engage in any illegal transactions such as fraud, money laundering, cashing, gambling, etc., not to use stolen or forged bank card accounts or invalid bank card numbers for transactions, and not to use the payment system of this site for false transactions without real transaction background.

You guarantee that you are not listed on the "Entity List", "Denied Persons List", or "SDN List" by the US government, nor are you directly or indirectly affiliated with or controlled by any entity on the aforementioned list, nor are you subject to any import or export controls, sanctions, or restrictions by the United States, China, the European Union, or its member states. You guarantee that all information you provide is true, accurate, and does not contain any false or misleading statements.

You promise to fully comply with the relevant laws and regulations on import and export control, including but not limited to the US Export Administration Regulations, International Arms Trade Regulations, and sanctions laws, as well as the import and export control and sanctions laws and regulations of China, the European Union, and its member states; We will not engage in any actions that may cause us or our affiliated companies to violate import and export control laws and regulations. You shall bear full responsibility for any claims, demands, lawsuits, costs, procedures, etc. against us and/or our affiliated companies arising from or related to your violation of import and export control laws and regulations. If we and/or our affiliated companies suffer any losses as a result, you shall compensate us in full.

You acknowledge and agree that the products under the sales agreement are subject to relevant national export control laws and regulations, including but not limited to the US Export Administration Regulations, International Arms Trade Regulations and sanctions laws, as well as import and export control and sanctions laws and regulations of China, the European Union and its member states. Without limiting the aforementioned provisions, if you fail to obtain licenses or license exemptions from all relevant government agencies (including but not limited to the United States Bureau of Industry and Safety), you shall not directly or indirectly export, re export, or transfer any products that require import and export licenses or license exemptions. You agree to provide all information regarding product import and export, sales, and transportation upon our request for compliance review purposes.

You promise and guarantee that the products under the sales agreement can only be used for civilian purposes and shall not be exported, re exported or transferred to (a) any entity for military purposes; (b) Any individual or entity listed by the US government on the Entity List, Denied Persons List, or Specially Designated Nationals List; (c) Any end user involved in activities related to weapons of mass destruction. Activities related to weapons of mass destruction include but are not limited to: (1) designing, developing, producing, or using nuclear data, facilities, or weapons; (2) designing, developing, producing, or using missiles, or supporting missile projects; (3) Design, develop, produce, or use biological weapons.

If your account experiences suspicious, illegal, or risky transactions, you agree that we have the right to provide your registration information, transaction information, identity information, logistics information, etc. on this site in accordance with the requirements of relevant judicial authorities, regulatory agencies, or third-party payment institutions, in order to cooperate with the investigation behavior of the third-party. In addition, if necessary, you have an obligation to provide further relevant information according to our requirements

According to the anti money laundering system screening, if you have abnormal transaction data, in accordance with relevant anti money laundering laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements, you agree that we have the right to submit your transaction information to national regulatory agencies and third-party payment institutions, including but not limited to your name, name, account number, financial institution name where the account is located, transaction background, and other information. If we do not have a comprehensive understanding of your above data, you will need to provide the above data within the time limit specified by us.

If we believe that any of your actions violate any usage laws, the terms of this Agreement, or other terms (as defined in the "Compliance with Relevant Terms" under this Agreement), or harm the interests of other users, affiliated companies, or us, including but not limited to your fraud, theft or impersonation of someone else's account, theft or forgery of bank card numbers, theft or impersonation of someone else's payment terminal devices, or your endangering the security of someone else's transaction or account, cardholder refusal to pay, refusal to cooperate with investigations, etc., without prior notice to you, we may terminate or suspend your right to access the website in whole or in part.

If your actions cause losses to us and/or its affiliated companies and cooperative manufacturers (including direct economic losses, loss of goodwill, and indirect economic losses such as fines, compensation, settlement fees, lawyer fees, litigation costs, etc. paid to external parties), you shall compensate us and/or its affiliated companies and cooperative manufacturers for all the above-mentioned losses.

If your behavior causes us and/or its affiliated companies and partners to suffer from third-party claims, we and/or its affiliated companies and partners may recover all losses from you after assuming obligations such as monetary payment to the third party.

If your behavior causes losses to third parties or if you fail to fulfill your compensation obligations, you agree to entrust us to use our own funds to pay the above-mentioned amount on your behalf. You should return this part of the cost and compensate us for all losses caused as a result.

You agree that we and/or our affiliated companies may directly offset your rights under other agreements with us and/or their affiliated companies for the amounts payable but unpaid by you, and may continue to recover them.

Force majeure refers to all events that occur after the signing of the sales agreement, which cannot be foreseen at the time of signing the sales agreement, and whose occurrence and consequences are unavoidable or insurmountable, and which hinder either party's full or partial performance. The above events include earthquakes, typhoons, floods, fires, wars, riots, civilian riots or government actions (including but not limited to government embargoes on hardware, software, technology or services related to products), international or domestic transportation interruptions, and other events recognized as force majeure under Chinese law or general international business practices. One party's lack of funds is not a force majeure event.
After a force majeure event occurs:

(1) The party affected by force majeure events who suspends the performance of the sales agreement during the delay period caused by force majeure shall not be deemed as a breach of contract, and shall not be liable for the delay or failure to fulfill the obligations of the sales agreement caused by force majeure events;

(2) The party affected by a force majeure event shall immediately notify the other party to mitigate potential losses to the other party, and shall provide proof of the occurrence and duration of the force majeure event within 15 working days after its occurrence;

(3) The liability for delay in monetary debts shall not be exempted due to force majeure.